Advanced Guide

Generate keys – Quick guide

Part 2 Chapter 1

1. Boot your USB

2. Open terminal (ctrl+alt+t)

3. generate a key (eosio-keygen)

$ eosio-keygen

4. Save the key in a) a file or b) encrypt it in keepassxc

    a) eosio-keygen >> Desktop/filename

$ eosio-keygen >> Desktop/filename

    b1) windows + r (search for keepassxc)

    b2) Open and create a database, with a secure password. This password is later used to access the keys, so make sure you know it.

    b3) Add new entry (ctrl+n), enter private key in password & repeat, enter public key in Notes, Apply.

5. Move the file containing your keys onto a second USB, that you use to store your data.
